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Forest fruit cake

A delicious cake with forest fruit filling!

ca. 170°C
ca. 25 min
15 pieces


Ingredients Croûte dough:

1.100 g Damco complete croûtepowder
480 g Butter
120 g Water
50 g Lemon zest

Ingredients Cake:

2.750 g Damco muffin/cupcakemix
1.000 g Vegetable oil
750 g Whole egg
500 g Water
100 g Lemon zest

Remaining ingredients:

Frucaps fruit filling forest fruit
Souplesse neutral

InstructionsPrintDownload PDF

Instructions croûte dough: 

  1. Mix Damco complete croûtepowder and butter, and add water and the Lemon zest. Mix until it is a smooth dough.
  2. Once it is mixed well, cool the dough for 12 hours. 

Instructions cake:

  1. Mix the Damco muffin/cupcakemix with the oil.
  2. Add water, Lemon Zest and an egg and mix it for 2 min in 2nd gear.


  1. Put the baking pans on a baking tray that has been lined with paper.
  2. Grease the baking pans or use some Royal Steensma Bakingspray.
  3. Knead the cooled croûte dough and roll it out to a thickness of 2-3mm and put it on the bottom of the baking pans.
  4. Put the cake batter in a piping bag and fill up the baking pans with about 2 cm of cake batter.
  5. Use a piping bag to add drops of Frucaps Forest fruit filling to the batter and bake.


  1. Let the cake cool down completely.
  2. Heat up the Souplesse neutral for a short period of time. 
  3. Make sure it is still on the thicker side (not to warm, not to smooth).
  4. Use an icing knife to add a layer of the Souplesse neutral on the cake.
  5. Press the blueberries and blackberries in the Souplesse while it's still soft.
  6. Use some mint and Damcosnow as the final decoration.


Woudfruit plaatcake


Royal Steensma Najaar '21.12479 Wendy Verhart.jpg

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