
Bakery Sweets Center
Royal Steensma is a partner of the Bakery Sweets Center; the place in the Northern Netherlands for the bakery and sweets sector where business, education and government come together in a practical environment.
The Bakery Sweets Center has a number of goals:
Agile craftsmanship
To provide the bakery and confectionery sector now and in the future with qualified and motivated employees, at all levels. This cooperation is aimed at promoting agile craftsmanship. Working together to ensure sufficient entry-level workers who are learning, working, sustainably employable and capable of lifelong development.
Joint research and innovation
Develop and improve products and ingredients through research, mutual knowledge exchange and innovation. Learning, changing and innovating together.
Improve the image of the sector
Working together on societal challenges such as healthy food, sustainability and reducing the ecological footprint. Constantly innovating together to adapt our products to both societal and consumer demands. All with the aim of improving the sector's image.