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Cherry dome

A delightful cake made with cherry bavarois, finished off with a cherry mirror glaze.


20 min
110 pieces


Ingredients cherry bavaroise:

1.000 gr Water, cold
200 gr Damco custard cream top R
2.500 gr Frucaps cherry fruit filling
180 gr Damco neutral mousse fond
400 gr Water, 40˚C
3.750 gr Whipping cream, unsweetened

Ingredients short crust cookie:

1.100 gr Damco croûte powder
480 gr Butter, room temperature
120 gr Water

Ingredients mirror glaze:

500 gr Chocuise souplesse cherry
500 gr Whipping cream, unsweetened
15 gr Gelatine, sheets
500 gr Frucaps cold mirror glaze, neutral

InstructionsPrintDownload PDF

Instructions cherry bavaroise:

  1. Mix water and Damco custard cream top R thoroughly.
  2. Puree Frucaps Cherry fruit filling and mix with the custard.
  3. Mix Damco neutral mousse fond with warm water and stir through the fruit-custard.
  4. Finally add the whipped cream in two parts by folding it together (make sure the whipped cream isn’t too stiff).
  5. Fill up a silicone mold with the cherry bavaroise, smooth out the top and place in the freezer until completely frozen.

Instructions short crust cookie:

  1. Mix butter and Damco croûte powder, followed by adding water in order to create dough.
  2. As soon as dough is smooth, stop mixing and leave dough to chill for 24 hours.
  3. Once chilled, roll dough to 1,5 mm thickness and cut out the desired shape and size.
  4. Place the pieces of dough onto a lined baking tray and place in the oven.

Instructions mirror glaze:

  1. Bring cream to a boil and add melted Chocuise souplesse cherry, stir until smooth with a spatula.
  2. Add the soaked sheets of gelatine.
  3. Once those have dissolved add Frucaps cold mirror glaze, neutral.


  1. Once frozen, remove the domes from the silicone molds, place on a rack and pour the cooked mirror glaze over it.
  2. Decorate to your own taste. 


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