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Hazelnoot Ijstaart - Steensma receptenboek 214860 .jpg

Hazelnut ice cream gateau

A delicious ice cream gateau with hazelnut meringue!

ca. 120°C
ca. 60 min.
10 pieces


Ingredients hazelnut meringue slices:

900 gr Egg white
1.200 gr Caster sugar
700 gr Damco progress powder
200 gr Hazelnut shavings, lightly roasted

Ingredients filling:

2.000 gr Whipped cream, thickly beaten

InstructionsPrintDownload PDF

Instructions for the hazelnut meringue:  

  1. Heat egg white and sugar to 45°C in a fat-free bowl. Beat a firm meringue for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Fold Damco progress powder and hazelnut shavings through it.
  3. Pipe the batter in rings of 19 cm Ø onto trays lined with baking paper and bake/dry the meringue.
  4. Allow the meringue to dry in a drying cabinet if necessary.

Putting it all together:

  1. Coat the meringue slices with Chocuise souplesse light on both sides and allow to set.
  2. Place the bottom layer in a ring and pipe a layer of whipped cream on top, then sprinkle Butterscotch crunch over it.
  3. Pipe the edges of the ring with whipped cream until full.
  4. Put the middle slice in place and repeat the steps again.
  5. Now put the top layer in place, smooth the sides, top with whipped cream and place the gateaus in the freezer.
  6. Allow to freeze, and then remove the rings using a burner.
  7. Cover the cake completely with Butterscotch crunch and finish to your own preference.
  8. Put the gateaus back in the freezer. 

Tip: Sell the gateaus from the freezer in striking packaging. Advise customers to remove the cake from the freezer 15 minutes before eating in order to cut easier.


Hazelnoot Ijstaart - Steensma receptenboek 214860 .jpg

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